In August 2016, the International Organization Sanitas (OSI) adhered to a Global Pact, an initiative promoting the commitment of the private sector, public sector, and civil society. Their objective is to align their strategies and operations in the four thematic areas: human rights; labor standards; environment, and anti-corruption. Read more »
Santa Paula Medical Group joins the Digital World
Our new trademark called Santa Paula Medical Group is located in Venezuela and launched its new website as well as its social networks at the end of August in order to promulgate the company in the digital world.
Nonstop Growth at Sanitas Peru
On July 10th, El Comercio Newspaper, the most prestigious written media in Peruvian press, published an interview with Sanitas Peru's Commercial Manager, Juan Carlos Ordoñez.
Shelter Campaign's New Record!
Brazil's Grupo Vitallis employees did an excellent job at obtaining a new record with almost three thousand donations to The 2017 Shelter Campaign..
OSI Recognition Program
Since last year, The Human Resources Vice President in Colombia established the "OSI Recognition" (a word play in Spanish: "ReconOSImiento") program with the aim of highlighting both OSI employee's individual and group contributions.
En octubre celebramos en todo el mundo el mes de sensibilización del cáncer de seno. Te invitamos a ver el siguiente vídeo.