This is our 2015-2016 Sustainability Report
In August 2016, the International Organization Sanitas (OSI) adhered to a Global Pact, an initiative promoting the commitment of the private sector, public sector, and civil society. Their objective is to align their strategies and operations in the four thematic areas: human rights; labor standards; environment, and anti-corruption; all of which promote the sustainable development of societies by means of 10 principles for the benefit of people.
Having adhered to Global Pact guided us while writing of our Fourth Sustainability Report at the start of 2017, yet this time under the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) methodology, Version G4, and other international standards on sustainability. This report lets us share with our stakeholders (employees; clients; service providers; suppliers and community; entities and control bodies; corporate governance, and the media) the activities and achievements which tend to their main expectations in the economic, social, and Versienvironmental aspects obtained during 2015 and 2016, as well as the challenges we have set ourselves during the next two years.
We proudly present this document in which we pose a challenge of providing our health services to more than 30 million people worldwide by the end of the next decade in order to create real access to health service for disadvantaged populations.
Sustainability, as the same report points out, is framed in our Social Responsibility Policy; the latter recognizes: "we are committed to being a socially responsible Organization with all our stakeholders, seeking to contribute to the development of the countries where we are present through social, economic and environment improvement, whilst taking into account the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as well as being in line with the promotion of research, science, technology, education, and social contribution.
To access our fourth Sustainability Report go to, or the official website of each of our companies.