We have started the "Health-Genesis" path.
What is it about?
Changing our take on integral healthcare service is one of Sanitas International Organization's purposes; hence, we have started working around a concept which will guide our actions towards: Health-Genesis.
Unlike the traditional method which investigates the causes/factors leading to a sickness, Health-Genesis seeks to emphasize the research and development of new models aiming towards getting to know, control and manage the elements which generate health and well-being for humans.
Health-Genesis or "The Health Genesis" is a term coined by Aaron Antonovsky, a sociologist, who towards the end of the 70s, who reflects upon questions such as: What creates health? What are the origins of health?
This way of thinking states that although there are material, economic and social factors which may cause stress and are associated to disease generation, each individual's coping capacity will be a defining factor in order to maintain their well-being.
During said process is when other variables such as intelligence, self-esteem, knowledge, traditions, the individual's outlook on life and even their behavior towards social commitments will come into play.
Keeping these aspects in mind, being able to manage them and co-creating healthcare models focused on the specific way of tackling an individual's health and well-being become a challenge for professionals. Likewise, for those of us who work in the healthcare area towards people's well-being.
We have entered the Health-Genesis era and step by step we will share this concept with all those who are part of OSI, in order to co-create legitimate and innovative multidisciplinary models dedicated to health and not illnesses.